SIGMA Mirrorless Lens: 16mm F1.4 DC DN | C
The Sigma 16mm 1.4 DC DN Contemporary is a high performance prime with a large aperture of F1.4 designed for APS-C Mirrorless cameras...

Chinon Bellami HD-1: Retro Super 8 Gun camera
Harking back to the time of the Super 8, this retro camera is from Chinon and old mid 60's Japanese brand many may not have heard off....

Rommel's Leitz Scherenfernrohr S.F.14.Z.Gi.
Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel was one of the most famous German field marshal's of World War II. He was the commander of the "Deutsches...

Kill Shot camera rifle: Non-lethal hunting
This has to be the coolest camera gun concept ever! The Kill Shot is being developed by three brothers, Randall, Daniel and Michael...

1888 Escopette camera gun
Escopette translated means Blunderbuss. The name stems from the gun bearing the same name, because of its shape: the camera was mounted...