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Glide CMRA strap adds 2 cameras to your Apple Watch

Video messaging app builder Glide has given the Apple Watch not 1 but 2 cameras. AriRoisman and former Apple Watch engineer Shawn Grening cleverly hatched the idea of incorporating cameras into the new Apple Watch strap, which they call CMRA. Both cameras are HD with Sony sensors. The strap contains Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, and packs a battery that allows for a day of usage, or the capture of 30 minutes of live video. The company is bundling in a charging stand that can also hold its own charge away from the wall socket. Glide worked with designers at Ideo to fashion the look of the band and the charging stand. One 2-megapixel camera faces up toward the user while the other 8-megapixel camera faces outward to the front of the user. And to avoid "Glasshole" syndrome a little light flashes near the outward facing camera when it's recording, so subjects aren't caught off guard. Photos and videos captured with CMRA can be shared instantly on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, Glide says. "As smartwatches become independent of the phone, wrist cameras will become commonplace for capturing memories and communicating visually ... something science fiction has imagined for over half a century," Roisman says. The bands will come in blue, white, black, and (a limited edition) gray. Buyers who preorder get the CMRA and charger for $150. The regular price later on will be $250.


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